Kat Dennings: Boyfriend, net worth, tattoos, smoking & body measurements
Kat Dennings Facts & Wiki
Where does Kat Dennings live? And how much money does Kat Dennings earn?
Birth Date | 13-6-1986 |
Heritage/origin | American |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion – believes in God? | Jewish |
Residence | She owns a house in San Rafael, CA, USA. |
Kat Dennings Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
Estimated Net Worth | 8 million Dollar |
Yearly Salary | N/A |
Product Endorsements | Paule Ka |
Colleagues | Norman Reedus & Whitney Cummings |
– manufactured by
Audi ($75.000)
Kat Dennings: Boyfriend, Dating, Family & Friends
Who is Kat Dennings dating in 2023?
Relationship status | Dating (Since 2011) |
Sexuality | Straight |
Current Boyfriend of Kat Dennings | Nick Zano |
Ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands | Matthew Gray Gubler, Ira David Wood IV |
Expecting a baby? | She is not pregnant |
Has any kids? | No |
Will the relationship of American actress Kat Dennings and current Boyfriend, Nick Zano survive 2023?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:
Gerald J. Litwack (Father)
Ellen Judith Litwack (Mother)
Debbie Litwack (Sister)
Geoffrey S. Litwack (Brother)
Beth Behrs
Skin, Hair & Eye Color
Hair color | Dark brown |
Hair type | Wavy |
Hair Length | long hair (mid-back length) |
Hairstyle | chic |
Distinct feature | smile |
Makeup Style | delicate |
Skin Tone/Complexion | Type I: Light skin |
Skin Type | Normal |
Eye Color | Green |
Does Kat Dennings smoke? | No, never |
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style
Height | 164 cm | Weight | 58 kilo | Clothing style | fashionable |
Favorite colors | blue |
Feet size | 7 |
Bra-size | 34DD |
Waist size | 68.5 |
Buste size | 96.5 |
Butt size | 87 |
Does Kat Dennings have a tattoo? | No |
Official websites/fansites: www.katdennings.com
Does Kat Dennings have official Social Media profiles?
Jenniffer Sheldon
Update: 2024-04-13