
Last Of The Dogmen movie review (1995)

This would be a standard opening for all kinds of movies, but "Last of the Dogmen" has some surprises. We see the convicts at night, startled by a mysterious visitor, and later we see Gates back from his bounty-hunting mission, telling the sheriff, "All I found was that shirt, and enough blood to paint the walls of this office." But he found something else, too: a broken arrow. The professor of Indian archeology at the local university identifies it: "Cheyenne. A good modern reproduction. Fifteen dollars at any trading post." Gates thinks that is too simple an answer, and after searching the archives of the local paper he arrives at a startling theory: Cheyenne Indians are still living in these mountains, cut off from modern society. The professor, named Lillian Sloan (Barbara Hershey), doubts it ("Elvis is dead, the government isn't hiding UFOs, and there are no Cheyenne dog soldiers in the ox bow"). But after Gates finds an old man who once captured an Indian "wild child," she agrees to go along on a journey to search for them. She speaks Cheyenne, which will be useful in preventing them both from being killed on the spot.

They do indeed find a surviving tribe, led in fact by the wild child, now grown old. He is the descendant of Lone Wolf, a Cheyenne leader who fled with a band of 20 others from a late 19th century massacre. The Indians live in the old ways, staying to themselves, but they are prepared to kill anyone who would threaten their way of life. And the movie balances their discovery with two other stories. One involves Gates' difficulties with the sheriff, who was once his father-in-law, and blames him for the drowning of his daughter. The other involves the relationship between Gates and the professor, which moves slowly, since he is accustomed to keeping to himself.

Lillian Sloan explains that the Cheyenne who escaped from the massacre were "dog men," called Dog Soldiers by the U.S. Cavalry.

They were elite fighters, a rear guard, prepared to be suicide troops. Gates, too, is a dog man, and has a dog to prove it: Zip, his closest friend. Gates is as much of an anachronism in the modern West as the band of Cheyenne.

"Last of the Dogmen" is a robust movie with a lot of energy and heart, but something is missing, and I think it's a sufficient quantity of romance, legend and myth. Somehow, when Gates and Sloan discover the lost tribe, the moment doesn't resonate as it should.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-06-19