Veggie Valentines Recipes
Ahh, Valentines Day… such a loved and hated holiday, right? It’s one of my personal favorites because it’s the one night a year Jack cooks and I don’t lift a finger. (Or, at least, I try – admittedly, it’s hard to sit back and keep my “suggestions” to myself).
I have no clue what he’ll be making this year and I’m sure he doesn’t yet either… but I thought I’d put a little list together in case you needed some early inspiration to forward on to your better half.
recipes pictured above:
Roasted Tomato Pasta
Coffee Cake Muffins / Vegan French Toast
Strawberry Balsamic Crostini / Minty Pomegranate Spritzer
Roasted Cauliflower & Leek Soup / Rosemary Lemon Pasta
Chocolate Molten Cakes / Coconut Mint Ice Cream