
What is Quai in France?

[ke ] masculine noun. 1. [de port] quay. [de cours d'eau, canal] embankment.

What does the French word Quai mean?

quay [noun] a solid, usually stone, landing place, where boats are loaded and unloaded. The boat is moored at the quay. wharf [noun] a platform alongside which ships are moored for loading and unloading.

Is Quai in English word?

quay. n. A wharf or reinforced bank for the loading or unloading of ships or boats. [Middle English keye, from Old North French cai, of Celtic origin.]

What is a Troc in France?

troc, le ~ (m) barter, the ~ Noun. ‐ The exchange of goods and services for advertising without the exchange of cash. The barter value equals the dollar value of the goods and services.

What is a Poisson French?

poisson, le ~ (m) fish, the ~ Noun.

Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In France | Musée du quai Branly Destination Spot

What is the meaning of le fromage?

noun French. cheese1 (defs. 1, 2).

What does Puason mean?

noun. : a probability density function that is often used as a mathematical model of the number of outcomes obtained in a suitable interval of time and space, that has its mean equal to its variance, that is used as an approximation to the binomial distribution, and that has the form f(x)=e−μμxx!

How do you spell Quai?

“Quai.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quai.

How do you spell Kaos?

a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order. any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases.

What do you mean by quasi?

Definition of quasi

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes a quasi corporation. 2 : having a legal status only by operation or construction of law and without reference to intent a quasi contract. quasi- combining form.

How is chaos Spelt?

Chaos comes from greek χάος; it starts with the greek letter "chi," which has a hard pronunciation.

Why is quay pronounced key?

“Key” is pronounced KEE, like the unrelated word for something that opens a lock. “Cay” is usually pronounced the same way (KEE), but some dictionaries give an alternate pronunciation, KAY. “Quay” was originally pronounced KEE, and that's still the preferred pronunciation (it was once spelled “key”).

Why is a quay called a quay?

The English spelling of this word was originally key, and that's one way to pronounce it even today, an alternative to "qway." Quay comes from the Old North French cai, "sand bank."

What is the meaning of La viande?

British English: meat /miːt/ NOUN. Meat is the flesh of an animal that people cook and eat.

What is the meaning of riz in French?

rice, the ~ Noun.

What does omelette du fromage mean?

cheese omelette. See full dictionary entry for omelette below.

What bouche means in French?

History and Etymology for bouche

Noun (1) Middle English, from Middle French, literally, mouth, from Latin bucca cheek, mouth. Noun (2) probably alteration (influenced by French boucher to stop up) of bush (bushing)

Can you say anime?

English speakers often pronounce anime as Ah-nee-mey, but this an anglicization of the word. The correct pronunciation of anime is Ah-nee-meh. The difference is that the final syllable is not pronounced with an "ey" sound, but it is pronounced with a short "e", which is with an "eh" sound.


Jenniffer Sheldon

Update: 2024-10-05